The following assumes your server is running Ubuntu 20.04 and you have a user account named 'ubuntu'. However the procedure for other Linux distributions will be similar.
Install Docker and Docker Compose as per
Enable IPv6 in docker as per
Docker Containers:
sudo mkdir /opt/btt sudo chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu /opt/btt cd /opt/btt wget --no-cache wget --no-cache mv docker-compose.production.yml docker-compose.override.yml touch .env_prod_db
Add the following to .env_prod_db:
POSTGRES_DB=postgres POSTGRES_USER=postgres POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<insert DB password here>
touch .env_prod_web
Add the following to .env_prod_web: FLASK_DEBUG=0 FLASK_ENV=production FLASK_CONFIG=production DATABASE_URL=postgresql://postgres:<insert DB password here>@db:5432/postgres SECRET_KEY=<insert any text here for now> MAIL_SERVER=localhost MAIL_PORT=25
Start docker containers:
docker compose up -d
cd /opt/btt docker compose exec web flask db upgrade docker compose exec web flask newdb
Secret key:
Generate secret key:
cd /opt/btt docker exec -it btt_web_1 bash python import os os.urandom(24) '<secret key will appear here>' Ctrl-D exit
Add new secret key to .env_prod_web
Restart docker containers:
docker compose down docker compose up -d
sudo apt install nginx sudo systemctl enable nginx.service sudo touch /etc/nginx/conf.d/<insert full domain name of site here>.conf
Add to /etc/nginx/conf.d/<insert full domain name of site here>.conf:
upstream gunicorn { server [::1]:8000; } server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; server_name <insert full domain name of site here>; location / { proxy_bind ::1; proxy_pass http://gunicorn; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_redirect off; }
sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default sudo nginx -t sudo systemctl restart nginx.service
sudo snap install --classic certbot sudo certbot --nginx
Navigate to https://<insert_full_domain_name_of_site_here>.
Log in using the demo@demo.demo account (password is demo)
Change the demo password immediately !!!!