If you would like to contribute to Roster Wizard, please feel free to use the Contact page to ask for advice and assistance. This procedure describes how to install Roster Wizard on a Linux workstation for development purposes. The following assumes your workstation is running Ubuntu 20.04 and you have a user account named 'ubuntu'. However the procedure for other Linux distributions will be similar.
Install Docker and Docker Compose as per https://docs.docker.com/
Enable IPv6 in docker as per https://docs.docker.com/
Docker Containers:
cd ~ git clone https://github.com/galojix/roster-wizard.git mv roster-wizard roster cd roster cp docker-compose.development.yml docker-compose.override.yml
touch .env
Add the following to .env (this ensures that the Docker containers run as a non-root user):
USERID=<insert a UID that is unused on the docker host> GROUPID=<insert a GID that is unused on the docker host>
USERID=12345 GROUPID=12345
touch .env_dev_db
Add the following to .env_dev_db:
POSTGRES_DB=postgres POSTGRES_USER=postgres POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<insert DB password here>
touch .env_dev_web
Add the following to .env_dev_web:
DEBUG=True TOOLBAR=True SECRET_KEY=<insert any random text here as it is not a production environment> DATABASE_URL=postgresql://postgres:<insert DB password here>@db:5432/postgres ALLOWED_HOSTS=, LOGLEVEL=INFO LOGFORMAT=simple LOGTOFILE=False SECURE=False CELERY_BROKER_URL=pyamqp://guest@rabbitmq// CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND=redis://redis:6379/0 CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS=http://localhost:8000,http://localhost:3000 CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS=http://localhost:8000,http://localhost:3000
Start docker containers:
docker compose up -d
cd ~/roster docker compose exec web python manage.py migrate docker compose exec web python manage.py createsuperuser
Navigate to using a web browser installed on the Roster Wizard server.
Log in using the superuser account you created above.
Follow the instructions in the user guide: Roster Wizard User Guide